Monday, September 30, 2019

Indonesian Traditional Music with Modern Music Essay

My name is Heru Sulaksono , I’m standing here today because I want to tell you all about Indonesian Traditional music call â€Å" Keroncong† . The history of Keroncong music itself was started when the Portugese invaded Indonesia in the 16th century, this music was first introduced by the sailors and the slaves on the portugese ship as known as â€Å"Fadu†. But weakening Influence of the portugese in the 17th century did not make â€Å"Keroncong† disappear from Indonesia. This music just continued to grow in Indonesia. In the early 19th century some Indonesian traditional instruments were introduced and influenced this music like the Seruling and Gamelan. The Golden age of â€Å"Keroncong† Music ended in 1960 due to introduction of rock music to Indonesia . Even with this music beginning to disappear, Keroncong music is still played and listened to but most of the listeners are old people in Indonesia. But in the 21st century the young generation of Indonesia ,is making many new breakthroughs to save Indonesia’s traditional music and make it known to the world, for example Bondan Prakoso Ft Fade2Black made a song titled â€Å"Keroncong Protol†, this song combines â€Å"Keroncong† With â€Å"Rap† and â€Å"Rock† the result of this combination is good music that everybody can listen to. This type of breakthrough can preserve Indonesian traditional music like the â€Å"Keroncong†. So the moral message that I want to tell you about is how the young generation of any country should be working to preserve their country’s traditional music. Every nation has its own traditional music, just like Indonesia, and everywhere in the world traditional music is disappearing. every young generation I think likes modern music better than traditional music. They think it’s not cool to sing traditional music or to like traditional music. Hey! It’s not that bad. f we want to preserve our traditional music it means that our next generation can hear that music. Even if you really like modern music it’s doesn’t mean you can’t preserve your nation’s traditional music, because there are so many innovations that can be used to preserve traditional music, like combining traditional music with modern music. This is just one of the innovations, that lets us save our traditional music! , so that is the message that I want to `tell to all of you, thank you for your attention,wassalamualaikum wr wb good morning.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Causes of the American Civil War

The American Civil War is one of the most significant and controversial periods in American history. The Civil War was caused by mounting conflicting pressures, principles, and prejudices, fueled by differences and pride, and set into motion by unlikely set of political events. The war divided the country between the North (Union) and South (Confederate). The war lasted five years and by 1865 the Confederate forces were truly beaten. Out of this horrendous war though, where some 600,000 men died grew a greater sense of nationalism than is today, unrivalled around the world One of the causes of the American Civil War was the economic and social differences between the North and the South. With Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin in 1793, cotton became very profitable. This machine was able to reduce the time it took to separate seeds from the cotton. However, at the same time the increase in the number of plantations willing to move from other crops to cotton meant the greater need for a large amount of cheap labor, Indo European slaves. Therefore the Southern economy became a one-crop economy, depending on cotton as well as slavery. On the other side the Northern economy was based more on industry than agriculture. In fact, the northern industries were purchasing the raw cotton and turning it into finished goods. This disparity between the two set up a major difference in economic attitudes. The South was based on the plantation system while the North was focused on city life. The second cause for the American Civil War was the fight between slave and Non-slave state proponents. As America began to expand, first with the lands gained from the Louisiana Purchase and later with the Mexican War, the question of whether new states admitted to the union would be slave or free. The Missouri Compromise passed in 1820 made a rule that prohibited slavery in states from the former Louisiana Purchase. The Compromise of 1850 was created by Henry Clay and others to deal with the balance between slave states and free states, northern and southern interests. One of the provisions was the Fugitive Slave Act. Another issue that further increased tensions was the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. It created two new territories that would allow the states to use popular sovereignty to determine whether they would be free or slave. The last cause of the American Civil War was the growth of the Abolition Movement. Increasingly, the northerners became more polarized against slavery. Sympathies began to grow for abolitionists and against slavery and slaveholders. This occurred especially after some major events including: the publishing of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, the Dred Scott Case John Brown's Raid, and the passage of the fugitive slave act that held individuals responsible for harboring fugitive slaves even if they were located in non-slave states. The Civil War lasted longer than it was expected to. But, unfortunately, the War was inevitable due to the great gap between the North and South socially, economically and politically. In fact, due to these circumstances, if the South had won the War, the country would have probably been divided into two separate countries. As any war would have ended, the War ended with great losses to both sides. More Americans were killed in the Civil War than in all other American wars combined from the colonial period through the later phase of the Vietnam War. Apart from the number of deaths and casualties, the great loss of property and money, the country now needed to work together in order to rebuild what was lost. Emotionally, it would take long years for many people to overcome the consequences of the war. The war was followed by twelve years of Reconstruction, during which the North and South debated the future of black Americans and fought bitter political battles. Yet, there was a good outcome of this war. Slavery came to an end as a legal institution. But the war did not bring equal rights for blacks, they still had their own war to win until those rights would be achieved.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Religion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Religion - Assignment Example The ultimate reality is the ultimate basis of every human problematic in every religion (Streng). In Christianity, for example, the human problematic is death and eternal torment in hell, and the ultimate reality, which is the God in the Christian Bible provides the basis and explanation for the existence of this human problematic. In the case of Christianity, death and eternal torment in hell is caused by sin, which has its roots in the original sin of Adam and Eve that led to the fall of man. On the other hand, the ultimate dimension is the way of changing the human problematic. Every religion or religious movement, after identifying the cause, seeks to find a solution to the human problematic and employs a number of solutions like rituals, prayer, consumption of organic foods, and other things. Ultimate dimension is supposed to inspire someone to change his current situation or to find a solution to the human problematic. 2. Cultural dimension is the actions that someone takes as a group in order to reinforce the community and to increase church attendance as well as to consider marriage and funeral rites. Whatever is personal must always go harmoniously with culture. One aspect of cultural dimension is the historical conditions upon which a particular belief or system of belief evolved (Streng). For example, during the time of Jesus, the political scenario was turbulent because of the conquest of Israel by the Romans, and that the Jews were persecuted by the conquerors. This was the time when Jesus rose and led the people into defiance of Roman authority. The transformative power that was evident in his preaching was the result of the cultural dimension of belief, which means that there was shared religious intent among the Jews who opposed Roman rule. This sense of unity somehow turned into a system of faith and belief. During the time of Muhammad, he was in a cave in a religious retreat when the A ngel Gabriel appeared to him in a dream, and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Premarital screening (testing) for Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease Essay

Premarital screening (testing) for Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease (CSD) - Essay Example The thalassemias are a group of heterogenous group of inherited disorders caused by genetic defects as a consequence of which decreased synthesis of either the alpha or beta chain of HbA occurs (Aster, 2007, pg.632). When deficient synthesis of beta chain occurs, it is known as beta-thalassemia and when alpha synthesis is affected, it is known as alpha-thalassemia. Sickle cell anemia is a type of disease characterized by production of defective hemoglobins because of which sickling of red cells occurs in certain conditions (Aster, 2007, pg.628). Thalassemia has a wide distribution, particularly in areas where malaria has been endemic like in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, India and China). It is most common around the Mediterranean Sea, especially in Italy and Greece (Al-Suliman, 2006). The prevalence of the ÃŽ ²-thalassemia gene is estimated to range between 0.01 to 0.15 in various areas of Saudi Arabia (Al-Suliman, 2006). Several reports from Arab countries indicate that ÃŽ ²-thalassemia carriers have common genetic abnormalities, and the frequency of this disorder varies from country to country in the Middle East and is reported as 1% to 15% (Al-Suliman, 2006). In a study by Karimi and colleagues (2002), the prevalence of beta-thalassemia trait was estimated to be 5-10%. Hemoglobin S is most common in persons of African ancestry. In some regions of Africa, it has been estimated that up to 40% of the population is heterozygous for hemoglobin S. The gene is also present in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Indian popula tions. Ten percent of American blacks are estimated to be heterozygous and 1 in 650 as homozygous (Schwarting, 2007). The normal hemoglobin of humans contains 4 globin chains. These are denoted as 2 ÃŽ ± and 2 non-ÃŽ ± chains. There are 3 normal variants of hemoglobin based on the nature of the non-ÃŽ ± chains. The commonest variant is Hemoglobin A (ÃŽ ±2ÃŽ ²2) which accounts for 95% to 98% of the total in adults. The adults

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Part A Analyse the leadership and followership styles found in the Essay

Part A Analyse the leadership and followership styles found in the animated film The Lion King, produced by Walt Disney in 1994 - Essay Example Furthermore, the focus of the paper is to evaluate the leadership style in accordance to the followership style. This will help in understanding the leadership style and the implications which is impossible without the support of the followers. It will not be incorrect to note that the leadership styles are evident in the movie Lion King in different characters. The characters that have shown the leadership styles include Mufasa, Simba, and Scar while followership styles are evident from hyenas (the outsiders), Timon and Pumbaa. Before examining the leadership traits within the context of different characters of Lion King, it is imperative that the sources of leadership and meaning are clearly understood. In simpler and precis manner, leadership can be defined as a power to bring about changes or selecting the flow of the beliefs of followers. Power or leadership cannot be achieved without having the traits which it takes to undergo change and bring motivation for the employees1. The re are typically five sources of the power which are evident in the movie Lion King as well. As per the theory presented by French and Raven, a leader is able to provide reward to its employees. This is merely to provide a token of value to the followers by the leaders2. This aspect is visible from the movie Lion King through the depiction of Scar’s character (Where Scar is a brother of Mufasa). ... The significance behind reward is because it motivates the followers. It has also been noted in many instances of the movie that as soon as Scar becomes the leader, he stopped providing reward to his followers. The aspect of reward is further explained in terms of types. The two types of rewards would be coercive and reward power. In the first type, the leaders are actually looked upon as someone who has settled the standards for the followers where they can be provided with a reward4. On the other hand, the second type coercive gives an idea that it depends upon a leader to settle punishments. In the context of the movie, this is evident from the context of Scar’s character where he promised his followers hyenas to provide them with food and reward them and if they will not follow Scar then they will be put to death ultimately. This shows that Scar has made use of the coercive power in order to dictate the hyenas. Talking about the followership styles, the movie has projected Timon and Pumbaa as the best followership supporting leadership. The character of Simba in particular has been projected with Timon and Pumbaa throughout the movie. In this case, it should be noted that Timon and Pumbaa have shown themselves to be reliant, energetic and intellectual followers. As an example, Timon and Pumbaa go to the Pride Rock with Simba because they knew that was more significant then living the ways they have been in the forest. This concludes that a leadership process is a two way in nature i.e. the followers can help the leaders become successful in their approach5. Also to note is the fact that Timon and Pumbaa show no vying for attaining leadership which means that they have been extremely

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Managing Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managing Organizational Change - Essay Example However, it is critical that an organization takes into account the effect of the organizational culture defining the organization whenever contemplating change because it greatly influences the performance of the organization through defining the organization’s goals and giving the organization direction. Analyzing an organization’s culture is critical whenever change is bound to be commenced because not all cultures embrace change and as such some are seen to be rigid therefore necessitating special care and attention. In the event that a culture is rigid to change, it is always necessary that the management devise ways to have the culture changed to embrace change. As earlier said, change to any organization is inevitable and as such, any inhibitor such as the organization culture would be needs to be addressed. Changing the rigidity of habits, norms, systems and believes in an organization would influence the entire culture hence influencing organizational change. R esistance to change Changing an organizations structure and administration enhances quality and service delivery. Since the change entails a wide range of rearrangement of the organization structure, proper preparation is essential. ... It emanates from the fears that are experienced by the employees concerning the outcome of the change. This is because change entails a wide range of rearrangement of the organization structure through which there is the possibility of job loss to some employees and also the reassignment to different job designations, which implies that there would be change in social relations. The reaction to an organizational change by employees goes through different phases among which is resistance as is experienced (Bovey and Hede, 2001, 372).The most efficient tool to address the resistance to change that is bound to be experienced in the process of organizational change is through proper communication. The management is obligated to have a clear communication strategy, which will inform the employees of the intended move, the reasons to the changes and the accompanying benefits to the employees in the event of the change. Through resistance assessment, it is usually clear that employees are u sually concerned about their job security in the event of change as well as their social relations. It is therefore necessary that the management employees effective communication tools whenever contemplating change to avoid the occurrence of such resistance to change. Vision Unlike a mission statement, which gives the statement of purpose of an organization, the vision statement is designed to offer directions to the course of any organization besides giving the perspectives to cooperate values embraced. It is instrumental in guiding an organization in a given span of time while at the same time upholding the organizational values such as integrity, openness, transparency and hard work among others. A

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Costco wholesale corporation (Marketing Mix 7P's) Essay

Costco wholesale corporation (Marketing Mix 7P's) - Essay Example The study consists of 7Ps of Costco Wholesale Corporation. So that this will helps to analysis price, place, promotion, product, people, process and physical evidence of Costco Wholesale Corporation.   1.2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Costco Wholesale Corporation offers various categories of products to its consumers. So that the product is useful to both wholesalers as well as those who want the product for their private use.   Members of the Costco Wholesale Corporation can also shop for personal brand Kirkland brand name goods, designed to be of equivalent or superior quality than nationwide brand names. Such product includes coffee, cookies, luggage, detergent, juice, appliances, tires house ware items etc. Various â€Å"Categories of the Costco products include groceries, candy, appliances, television and media, automotive supplies, tires, toys, hardware, sporting goods, jewellery, watches, cameras, books, house wares, apparel, healt h and beauty aids, tobacco, furniture, office supplies and office equipment. Costco is known for carrying top quality national and regional brands, with 100% satisfaction guaranteed, at prices consistently below traditional wholesale or retail outlets† (Company profile, 2010). ... Other than differentiating the product offered by the Costco Wholesale Corporation from its competitors, this procedure should guarantee that the product is different from every other goods the business offers. â€Å"The challenge company’s face in creating product differentiation is to come up with a strategy which not only creates value for buyers, but also makes it difficult for rival companies to emulate. Whatever the company does to achieve this can be termed as a product differentiation strategy† (Product Differentiation, 2011). A flourishing product differentiation policy will shift the rivalry of the manufactured goods from cost to other non-price features. This assists the business to reinforce its position in the marketplace to enlarge in trades and the direct result of a high-quality product discrimination approach and implementation. 1.3 PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Promotion of warehouse products represents the various view of communication in the marketing activity. Promotion in the case of service is different from the promotion activity of the product. It helps to generate positive as well as negative reaction about the product. â€Å"Promotion includes advertising, public relations, sales promotion and personal selling† (Lamb., Hair & McDaniel, 2009. pg 47). Costco Wholesale Corporation is mainly promoted through Publish Medias, TV, broadcasting, internet, leisure program etc†¦ Publish Medias comprise ad in news term paper, magazine etc. These ad provide the various information regarding the type of product with there prices. Promotion through the T V media consists of the ad through different state and global channel. Promotion of the product offered

Monday, September 23, 2019

Project Management- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Project Management- - Essay Example From the turn of the millennium to 2002, the industry grew over 200% and generated revenues about $289 million in 2002 alone. In 2004, the revenue generated by this industry totaled up to around $947 million. Furthermore, optimism continued to run high as a research group predicated that the growth of ICT-based services would grow to $200 billion by the end of the decade, with call centres enjoying a fair share of $42 billion of the revenue (White, 2014). Reports claim that the United States alone claims over 1.5 million seats and another 1 million waiting to be outsourced and the United Kingdom only has around 500,000 seats only waiting to be outsourced. Keeping in line with this, this paper will discuss the process of creating a new control and call centre that will house the police, ambulance and fire rescue emergency services, which will receive and deal with all 999 emergency and non-emergency calls that will be used by both England and Wales citizens. In detail, it will (1) ide ntify key explanatory aspects/issues/arguments relating to this project; (2) assess the benefits/strengths and problems/weaknesses/shortcomings/pitfalls, applicable, in terms of implementing the pilot; (3) assess the extent to which formal programme and project management would provide cost and/or efficiency savings; and (4) provide a set of good practice/guidance recommendations that can be evidenced and/or supported from the finding of your review. A call centre refers to a centrally-based customer service operation where its agents deal with telephone calls on behalf of a customer/caller (D’Cruz & Noronha, 2006). Customers vary from emergency callers, non-emergency callers, mail-order catalog houses, computer product help desks, telemarketing companies, banks, insurance groups and financial services, transportation and freight handling firms, IT companies and hotels, among others. The

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Performance Elements Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Performance Elements - Assignment Example In Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, it contains heavy dialogue which limits direction to the initial scene settings, and also limits the vocal or expressive cues for the different characters. It is thus suggested that if any of the performance elements were removed, it will leave the story’s performance suggested or with an understood tone on the dialogue which enables the reader to identify the various missing elements partly due to the logical progression of the story (Jago, Shea and Scanlon, 2011) On the other hand, The C Above the C Above High C provides more details in the plot and character development by using different performance elements such as background action, sub-scenes, visual cues, and even shifting the timeline. If any of these elements were to be removed and depend entirely on the dialogue, the play would result in a total confusing state (Wilde, 1885). This play also include political statements, symbolism as well as satire many of which will be lost if dialogue alone is employed. Symbolism and irony can be cited where Louis apply a facial cream and appears â€Å"white† though he is fairly dark but seen as very black among the rising black entertainers, and accepted by both the white and black community (Jago, Shea and Scanlon, 2011) Therefore, The C Above the C Above High C play is considered to be more in depth for the readers due to the different elements applied, hence giving the reader the ability to picture the play on the stage which lacks in the Wildes work of The Importance of Being Earnest which is heavily dialogued (Reed,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Public Relations Essay Example for Free

Public Relations Essay Public relations (known often as just PR) can be and is defined in a multitude of ways. A commonly heard statement in terms of public relations is ‘there is no such thing as bad press. ’ And while that statement may be true, in some cases to much PR can create a situation where a person/company becomes overexposed (and to be quite honest, seen as annoying because the public no longer cares to know about the person/company/situation but the media still is following. ) Media around the world reports the news but not just political, sports, and the like but things they feel will keep the population interested in their programming, magazines, and newspapers. In order for the media to succeed they will follow stories (the good and the bad) as long as the public is interested, when disaster strikes (a person, company, or government) they will be there and so will the public. In order for the person, company, or government to stay on the positive side of the public (of which they may need their support), the affected person/group must use the unwanted media coverage (in some cases, not in others) to their advantage. Edward Bernays (1961) felt public relations was, â€Å"†¦ information given to the public, persuasion directed at the public to modify attitudes and actions, and efforts to integrate attitudes and actions of an institution with its publics and publics with those of that institution. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) (a group on individuals whose daily work focuses on the success of public relations) does not have an exact definition of public relations but instead a statement, â€Å"Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other. (2007). One final definition of public relations is, â€Å"The art or science of establishing and promoting a favorable relationship with the public. †(Free dictionary, 2007). Comparison and Contrast Each person/group’s view of public relations’ definition have similarities as well as differences. In all instances both the groups affected by the publicity and the public are affected. The public in general can and will affect any business or person and the affect can be completely based on the information the public receives from the media outlets. The advantage seems to be in the hands of the public but some can say the advantage also lies in the hands of the person/company because no matter how bad a situation may first present itself their relationship with the public (whether pre-existing, on-going (in most cases), or new) can turn the possible problem around (i. e. turning a negative into a positive). The Public Relations Society of America seems to have the most well balanced definition (while no one can find a right or wrong answer in the area of public relations) because the PRSA defines PR as a give and take situation so that they remain balanced with one another. Mr. Bernays definition comes across as how companies/people must spin (turn around) the news in order to make any information seen as a positive in the public eye. Why so many definitions? In an area the business world that is held to so many different interpretations it is not a wonder as to why there are so many definitions to public relations. Marketing ties in advertising and the media which creates the public relations but that is only a fraction of what establishes public relations. The most important thing to remember in public relations is that most of the media attention (in fact, almost all of it) is not wanted attention (ie solicited) but awareness that was brought to light for no gain for the person or company. The person/company must then decide how to proceed in the eye of the public (ie public relations) and keep themselves in a positive light. References: Bernays E. L. , Crystallizing Public Opinions, Liveright, New York 1961 Free Dictionary. Retrieved on May 12, 2007 from http://www. thefreedictionary. com/public+relations Public Relations Society of America. Retrieved on May 12, 2007 from www. prsa. org

Friday, September 20, 2019

Background Of Studies On Computer Viruses

Background Of Studies On Computer Viruses A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. The term virus is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code) when its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a user sent it over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB drive. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. As stated above, the term computer virus is sometimes used as a catch-all phrase to include all types of malware, even those that do not have the reproductive ability. Malware includes computer viruses, computer worms, Trojan horses, most root kits, spyware, dishonest adware and other malicious and unwanted software, including true viruses. Viruses are sometimes confused with worms and Trojan horses, which are technically different. A worm can exploit security vulnerabilities to spread itself automatically to other computers through networks, while a Trojan horse is a program that appears harmless but hides malicious functions. Worms and Trojan horses, like viruses, may harm a computer systems data or performance. Some viruses and other malware have symptoms noticeable to the computer user, but many are surreptitious or simply do nothing to call attention to them. Some viruses do nothing beyond reproducing themselves. Section 1.2 Background of Studies on Various Computer Viruses Boot Sector Viruses This type of viruses has ability to hide in boot sector. The viruses will load into memory when there is booting system and trying to read from hard disk. Boot sector viruses are more spread since old time when floppy disk was popular. But now we hardly seen them since many of them only can spread through floppy disk. This type of virus affects the boot sector of a floppy or hard disk. This is a crucial part of a disk, in which information on the disk itself is stored together with a program that makes it possible to boot (start) the computer from the disk. The best way of avoiding boot viruses is to ensure that floppy disks are write-protected and never start your computer with an unknown floppy disk in the disk drive. Examples of boot viruses include: Polyboot.B, AntiEXE. Companion Viruses Companion Viruses is another kind of viruses. When user computer infect by this sort of viruses, it will create another type file from an existing file in same directory (such as creating from file.exe in the same folder), some companion viruses create file.exe from any folder. It can be considered file infector viruses like resident or direct action types. They are known as companion viruses because once they get into the system they accompany the other files that already exist. In other words, in order to carry out their infection routines, companion viruses can wait in memory until a program is run (resident viruses) or act immediately by making copies of themselves (direct action viruses). Some examples include: Stator, Asimov.1539, and Terrax.1069 Encrypted Viruses This type of viruses consists of encrypted malicious code, decrypted module. The viruses use encrypted code technique which make antivirus software hardly to detect them. The antivirus program usually can detect this type of viruses when they try spread by decrypted themselves. Logic Bomb Viruses Logic Bomb Viruses or sometime know as Time Bomb is small piece of malicious code or program which have ability to insert itself to other programs or system and perform specific action when the conditions are met (most Logic Bomb developers use date as conditions). The Logic Bomb does nothing until pre-programmed date is reached. Logic Bomb can perform any malicious things based on pre-programmed within it such as deleting file or displaying unwanted message or lock program and so on. They are not considered viruses because they do not replicate. They are not even programs in their own right but rather camouflaged segments of other programs. Their objective is to destroy data on the computer once certain conditions have been met. Logic bombs go undetected until launched, and the results can be destructive. Macro Viruses When talking about Macro Viruses, we refer to viruses which infect macro of other applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. The viruses are written in a macro language and use it to distribute themselves. Macro viruses will run automatically when user open document. Usually this type of virus cause harmless to your computer, but instead they are annoying by automatically inserting undesired texts or symbols. Example of Macro Virus: WM.Concept, it was introduced in 1995 the first macro virus that spread through Microsoft Word. And another popular one is Melissa that is first found in 1999, it also can spread through MS Word, Excel and Outlook. Multipartite Viruses Multipartite Viruses is type of viruses which infect user computer on both part boot sector and executable files and programs at the same time, with this condition, the viruses spread faster than boot sector or file infector alone. It changes the paths that indicate the location of a file. By executing a program (file with the extension .EXE or .COM) which has been infected by a virus, you are unknowingly running the virus program, while the original file and program have been previously moved by the virus. Once infected it becomes impossible to locate the original files Example: Ghost ball, the first multipartite virus. Nonresident Viruses This type of viruses is similar to Resident Viruses by using replication of module. Besides that, Nonresident Viruses role as finder module which can infect to files when it found one (it will select one or more files to infect each time the module is executed). Polymorphic Viruses: Polymorphic Virus is similar to encrypted viruses; it can infect files with an encrypted copy of itself. The viruses use difference technique to replicate themselves. Some polymorphic viruses are hardly to detect by antivirus software using virus signature based, because it do not remain any identical after replication. Polymorphic viruses encrypt or encode themselves in a different way (using different algorithms and encryption keys) every time they infect a system. This makes it impossible for anti-viruses to find them using string or signature searches (because they are different in each encryption) and also enables them to create a large number of copies of themselves. Examples include: Elkern, Marburg, Satan Bug, and Tuareg. Resident Viruses Resident Viruses or known as Memory Resident Viruses is malicious module. The viruses can replicate module and installing malicious code into computer memory (RAM). The viruses are commonly classified into two main categories: Fast Infectors and Slow Infectors. This type of virus is a permanent which dwells in the RAM memory. From there it can overcome and interrupt all of the operations executed by the system: corrupting files and programs that are opened, closed, copied, renamed etc. Examples include: Randex, CMJ, Meve, and MrKlunky. Stealth Viruses / Worm Stealth Viruses is some sort of viruses which try to trick anti-virus software by intercepting its requests to the operating system. It has ability to hide itself from some antivirus software programs. Therefore, some antivirus program cannot detect them. A worm is a program very similar to a virus; it has the ability to self-replicate, and can lead to negative effects on your system and most importantly they are detected and eliminated by antivirus. Examples of worms include: PSWBugbear.B, Lovgate.F, Trile.C, Sobig.D, and Mapson. Section 1.3.1 Research Question 1. How did the diff. types of computer Viruses Created when, where, by whom? 2. How are they attack/work on the end user computers? 3. How we protect ourself from such type of computer viruses? 4. What will be the future trend of computer viruses? Section 1.3.2 Research Aim The research aims at understanding how Computer viruses is evolving and attacking on day to day computer business Section 1.3.3 Research Objective The objective of this research is to help to the User of Computer to make decisions on the how to solved the problem created because of computer viruses from a long time perspectives.Also to develop contrasting measure between the creator of computer viruses and the end user of the computer. Section 1.3.4 Research Hypothesis Many of the viruses that have had the greatest impact have been intended to be totally benign. Unfortunately, small errors in program code have led to disastrous results. The most frequent such error is when a virus program, which was intended to infect a computer only once, doesnt realize it has already done its job, and keeps infecting the computer over and over. This was the problem with the infamous virus released at Cornell University on November 2, 1988, by Robert Morris, Jr., which rapidly brought the entire Internet system of computers to its knees. Where the small drain of a single virus can pass unnoticed by a computer system, millions of viruses can fill every bit of memory and use up every cycle of computing power of the computer they have invaded. The hidden message revealed by the widely publicized cases of infection by computer viruses is that existing computer systems of all sorts could be making very large errors that have never been recognized. This means the computer systems that take care of every aspect of the worlds financial life, computer systems that keep personal records on you and me, computer systems that support the military capabilities of the super-powers. Good system developers test systems thoroughly before installation, attempting to test every possible logic path. However, with a system of any reasonable level of complexity, this is an impossible task, so a major system is likely only to have been thoroughly tested for frequently occurring events. Its the infrequently occurring events, and especially the unforeseen combinations of events, that are the bane of systems developers. And those are also the areas where Poincares admonition is most likely to come into play. Chapter 2 Literature Review What is Computer virus? Term was first used by Fred Cohen in 1984. A computer virus is a small program a computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. The term virus is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code) when its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a user sent it over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB drive. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. As stated above, the term computer virus is sometimes used as a catch-all phrase to include all types of malware, even those that do not have the reproductive ability. Malware includes computer viruses, computer worms, Trojan horses, most root kits, spyware, dishonest adware and other malicious and unwanted software, including true viruses. Viruses are sometimes confused with worms and Trojan horses, which are technically different. A worm can exploit security vulnerabilities to spread itself automatically to other computers through networks, while a Trojan horse is a program that appears harmless but hides malicious functions. Worms and Trojan horses, like viruses, may harm a computer systems data or performance. Some viruses and other malware have symptoms noticeable to the computer user, but many are surreptitious or simply do nothing to call attention to them. Some viruses do nothing beyond reproducing themselves History of Computer viruses The first academic work on the theory of computer viruses (although the term computer virus was not invented at that time) was done by John von Neumann in 1949 that held lectures at the University of Illinois about the Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata. The work of von Neumann was later published as the Theory of self-reproducing automata In his essay von Neumann postulated that a computer program could reproduce. In 1972 Veith Risak published his article Selbstreproduzierende Automaton mitt minimaler Informationsà ¼bertragung (Self-reproducing automata with minimal information exchange). The article describes a fully functional virus written in assembler language for a SIEMENS 4004/35 computer system. In 1984 Fred Cohen from the University of Southern California wrote his paper Computer Viruses Theory and Experiments It was the first paper to explicitly call a self-reproducing program a virus; a term introduced by his mentor Leonard Adelman. An article that describes useful virus functionalities was published by J. B. Gunn under the title Use of virus functions to provide a virtual APL interpreter under user control in 1984. Science Fiction The Terminal Man, a science fiction novel by Michael Crichton (1972), told (as a sideline story) of a computer with telephone modem dialing capability, which had been programmed to randomly dial phone numbers until it hit a modem that is answered by another computer. It then attempted to program the answering computer with its own program, so that the second computer would also begin dialing random numbers, in search of yet another computer to program. The program is assumed to spread exponentially through susceptible computers. The actual term virus was first used in David Gerrolds 1972 novel, When HARLIE Was One. In that novel, a sentient computer named HARLIE writes viral software to retrieve damaging personal information from other computers to blackmail the man who wants to turn him off. Virus programs History The Creeper virus was first detected on ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet, in the early 1970s. Creeper was an experimental self-replicating program written by Bob Thomas at BBN Technologies in 1977 Creeper used the ARPANET to infect DEC PDP-10 computers running the TENEX operating system. Creeper gained access via the ARPANET and copied itself to the remote system where the message, Im the creeper, catch me if you can! was displayed. The Reaper program was created to delete Creeper. A program called Elk Cloner was the first computer virus to appear in the wild that is, outside the single computer or lab where it was created. Written in 1981 by Richard Skeena, it attached itself to the Apple DOS 3.3 operating system and spread via floppy disk. This virus, created as a practical joke when Skeena was still in high school, was injected in a game on a floppy disk. On its 50th use the Elk Cloner virus would be activated, infecting the computer and displaying a short poem beginning Elk Cloner: The program with a personality. The first PC virus in the wild was a boot sector virus dubbed (c) Brain, created in 1986 by the Farooq Alvin Brothers in Lahore, Pakistan, reportedly to deter piracy of the software they had written. Before computer networks became widespread, most viruses spread on removable media, particularly floppy disks. In the early days of the personal computer, many users regularly exchanged information and programs on floppies. Some viruses spread by infecting programs stored on these disks, while others installed themselves into the disk boot sector, ensuring that they would be run when the user booted the computer from the disk, usually inadvertently. PCs of the era would attempt to boot first from a floppy if one had been left in the drive. Until floppy disks fell out of use, this was the most successful infection strategy and boot sector viruses were the most common in the wild for many years. Traditional computer viruses emerged in the 1980s, driven by the spread of personal computers and the resultant increase in BBS, modem use, and software sharing. Bulletin board-driven software sharing contributed directly to the spread of Trojan horse programs, and viruses were written to infect popularly traded software. Macro viruses have become common since the mid-1990s. Most of these viruses are written in the scripting languages for Microsoft programs such as Word and Excel and spread throughout Microsoft Office by infecting documents and spreadsheets. Since Word and Excel were also available for Mac OS, most could also spread to Macintosh computers. Although most of these viruses did not have the ability to send infected e-mail, those viruses which did take advantage of the Microsoft Outlook COM interface. Some old versions of Microsoft Word allow macros to replicate themselves with additional blank lines. If two macro viruses simultaneously infect a document, the combination of the two, if also self-replicating, can appear as a mating of the two and would likely be detected as a virus unique from the parents. A virus may also send a web address link as an instant message to all the contacts on an infected machine. If the recipient, thinking the link is from a friend (a trusted source) follows the link to the website, the virus hosted at the site may be able to infect this new computer and continue propagating. Viruses that spread using cross-site scripting were first reported in 2002, and were academically demonstrated in 2005. There have been multiple instances of the cross-site scripting viruses in the wild, exploiting websites such as MySpace and Yahoo. Time line of computer viruses: In the early years floppy disks (removable media) were in fact the in the late 80s. Ultimately of course, the internet in all its forms became the major source of infection. YEAR VIRUS NAME BY WHOM TYPE 1982 ELK CLONER RICH SKRENTA 1983 COMPUTER VIRUS FRED COHEN 1986 BRAIN PAKISTAN BOOT SECTOR 1988 ARPANET ROBBERT MORRIS ENCRYPTED 1989 AIDS TROJAN 1990 ANTI-VIRUS S/W 1991 NON-ANTI S/W SYMANTEC POLYMORPHIC 1994 HOAX 1995 WORD 1999 MELLISA DAVID L. SMITH 2000 I LOVE U FILIPINE STUDENT 2001 CODE RED WORM 2003 SLAMMER 2004 MY DOON/NOVARG 2005 COMMWARRIOR-A RUSSIA CELL PHONE 2008 CONFICKER 2009 CYNER ATTACK W32.DOZOR 2010 STUNEXT TROJAN 2011 HTTP BOT BLACK SHADES Programming language used for creating Computer Viruses: C C++ Assembler PHP JAVA SCRIPT VB SCRIPT MICRO LANGUAGE/CODE How Computer Viruses Work As youll see in the next section, the term virus was applied to this type of software very early in its history. Its an apt metaphor, because a computer virus is, in many ways, similar to the biological Viruses that attack human bodies. A biological virus isnt truly a living, independent entity; as biologists will tell you, a virus is nothing more than a fragment of DNA sheathed in a protective jacket. It reproduces by injecting its DNA into a host cell. The DNA then uses the host cells normal mechanisms to reproduce itself. A computer virus is like a biological virus in that it also isnt an independent entity; it must Piggyback on a host (another program or document) in order to propagate. How a virus infects your computer 1. Virus program is launched. 2. Virus code is loaded into PC memory. 3. Virus delivers its destructive payload. 4. Virus copies itself to other programs. How Computer Viruses Work 5 If all a virus did was copy itself to additional programs and computers, there would be little Harm done, save for having all our programs get slightly larger (thanks to the virus code). Unfortunately, most viruses not only replicate themselves, they also perform other operations-many of which are wholly destructive. A virus might, for example, delete certain files on your computer. It might overwrite the boot sector of your hard disk, making the disk inaccessible. It might write Messages on your screen, or cause your system to emit rude noises. It might also hijack your E-mail program and use the program to send it to all your friends and colleagues, thus replicating itself to a large number of PCs. Viruses that replicate themselves via e-mail or over a computer network cause the subsidiary Problem of increasing the amount of Internet and network traffic. These fast-replicating viruses Called worms can completely overload a company network, shutting down servers and forcing ten s of thousands of users offline. While no individual machines might be damaged, this type of Communications disruption can be quite costly. As you might suspect, most viruses are designed to deliver their payload when theyre first executed. However, some viruses wont attack until specifically prompted, typically on a predetermined Date or day of the week. They stay on your system, hidden from sight like a sleeper Agent in a spy novel, until theyre awoken on a specific date; then they go about the work them were programmed to do. In short, viruses are nasty little bits of computer code, designed to inflict as much damage As possible, and to spread to as many computers as possible-a particularly vicious combination. How to Create a Computer Virus? This program is an example of how to create a virus in C. This program demonstrates a simple virus program which upon execution (Running) creates a copy of itself in the other file. Thus it destroys other files by infecting them. But the virus infected file is also capable of spreading the infection to another file and so on. Heres the source code of the virus program. #include #include #include #include #include #include FILE *virus,*host; int done, a=0; unsigned long x; char buff[2048]; struct ffblk ffblk; clock_t st,end; void main() { st=clock(); clrscr(); done=findfirst(*.*,ffblk,0); while(!done) { virus=fopen(_argv[0],r3. Virus delivers its destructive payload. b); host=fopen(ffblk.ff_name,rb+); if(host==NULL) goto next; x=89088; printf(Infecting %sn,ffblk.ff_name,a); while(x>2048) { fread(buff,2048,1,virus); fwrite(buff,2048,1,host); x-=2048; } fread(buff,x,1,virus); fwrite(buff,x,1,host); a++; next: { fcloseall(); done=findnext(ffblk); } } printf(DONE! (Total Files Infected= %d),a); end=clock(); printf(TIME TAKEN=%f SECn, (end-st)/CLK_TCK); getch(); } COMPILING METHOD: USING BORLAND TC++ 3.0 (16-BIT): 1. Load the program in the compiler, press Alt-F9 to compile 2. Press F9 to generate the EXE file (DO NOT PRESS CTRL-F9,THIS WILL INFECT ALL THE FILES IN CUR DIRECTORY INCLUDIN YOUR COMPILER) 3. Note down the size of generated EXE file in bytes (SEE EXE FILE PROPERTIES FOR ITS SIZE) 4. Change the value of X in the source code with the noted down size (IN THE ABOVE SOURCE CODE x= 89088; CHANGE IT) 5. Once again follow the STEP 1 STEP 2.Now the generated EXE File is ready to infect USING BORLAND C++ 5.5 (32-BIT) : 1. Compile once, note down the generated EXE file length in bytes 2. Change the value of X in source code to this length in bytes 3. Recompile it. The new EXE file is ready to infect HOW TO TEST: 1. Open new empty folder 2. Put some EXE files (BY SEARCHING FOR *.EXE IN SEARCH PASTING IN THE NEW FOLDER) 3. Run the virus EXE file there you will see all the files in the current directory get infected. 4. All the infected files will be ready to re-infect. Why Viruses Exist Computer viruses, unlike biological viruses, dont spring up out of now here-theyre created. By people. And the people-programmers and developers, typically-who create computer viruses Know what theyre doing. These code writers deliberately create programs that they know will Wreak havoc on huge numbers of computer users. The question is why? It takes some degree of technical skill to create a virus. To that end, creating a computer Virus is no different than creating any other computer application. Any computer programmer or Developer with a minimal amount of skill can create a virus-all it takes is knowledge of a programming Language, such as C, Visual Basic, or Java, or a macro language, such as VBA. By using a build your own virus program-of which there are several available, Via the Internet underground. So, by definition, a virus writer is a person with a certain amount of technical expertise. But Instead of using that expertise productively, virus writers use it to generate indiscriminate mayhem among other computer users. This havoc-wreaking is, in almost all instances, deliberate. Virus writers intend to be destructive. They get some sort of kick out of causing as much damage as possible, from the relative Anonymity of their computer keyboards. Understanding Computer Viruses In addition, some developers create viruses to prove their technical prowess. Among certain Developers, writing a successful virus provides a kind of bragging right, and demonstrates, in some warped fashion, that the writer is especially skilled. Unfortunately, the one attribute that virus writers apparently lack is ethical sense. Virus programs can be enormously destructive, and it takes a peculiar lack of ethics to deliberately perpetrate such destruction on such a wide scale. In the end, a virus writer is no better than a common vandal. Except for the technical expertise required, the difference between throwing a rock through a window and destroying PC files via a virus is minimal. Some people find pleasure in destruction, and in our high-tech age, such Pleasure can come from writing destructive virus code. What You Can Do About Computer Viruses Theres very little you can do, on a personal level, to discourage those high-tech vandals who create Virus programs. There are plenty of laws already on the books that can be used to prosecute these criminals, and such criminal investigations-and prosecutions-have become more common in recent years. However, as with most criminal activity, the presence of laws doesnt always mean there are fewer criminals; the truth is, theres a new batch of virus writers coming online every day. All of which means that you cant rely on anyone else to protect you from these virus-writing Criminals. Ultimately, you have to protect yourself. Reducing Your Chances of Infection To make yourself less of a target for virus infection, take the following steps: Restrict your file downloading to known or secure sources. The surest way to catch a virus is to download an unknown file from an unknown site; try not to put you at risk like this unless you absolutely have to. Dont open any e-mail attachments you werent expecting. The majority of viruses today arrive in your mailbox as attachments to e-mail messages; resist the temptation to open or view every file attachment you receive. Use an up-to-date anti-virus program or service. Antivirus programs work; they scan the files on your computer (as well as new files you download and e-mail messages you receive) and check for any previously identified viruses. Theyre a good first line of defence, As long as you keep the programs up-to-date with information about the very latest viruses and most antivirus programs make it easy to download updates. Enable macro virus protection in all your applications. Most current Microsoft Applications include special features that keep the program from running unknown macros and thus prevent your system from being infected by macro viruses. Create backup copies of all your important data. If worse comes to worst and your Entire system is infected; you may need to revert to no infected versions of your most critical Files. You cant do this unless you plan ahead and back up your important data. Preventing Viruses Attacks. Diagnosing a Virus Infection How do you know if your computer has been infected with a virus? In short, if it starts acting Funny-doing anything it didnt do before-then a probable cause is some sort of computer Virus. Here are some symptoms to watch for: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Programs quit working or freeze up. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Documents become inaccessible. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Computer freezes up or wont start properly. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The CAPS LOCK key quits working-or works intermittently. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Files increase in size. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Frequent error messages appear onscreen. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Strange messages or pictures appear onscreen. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Your PC emits strange sounds. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Friends and colleagues inform you that theyve received strange e-mails from you, that you dont remember sending. How to Catch a Virus. Recovering from a Virus Attack If youre unfortunate enough to be the victim of a virus attack, your options narrow. You have to find the infected files on your computer, and then either dies-infects them (by removing the virus Code) or delete them-hopefully before the virus has done any permanent damage to your system. You dont, however, have to give up and throw your computer away. Almost all viruses can be recovered from-some quite easily. All you need is a little information, and the right tools. The right tools include one of the major antivirus programs discussed in Anti-Virus Software and Services. These programs-such as Norton Antivirus

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Islam :: essays research papers

Islam is a monotheistic faith that means â€Å"submission to the will of God†. The person who practices this faith is known as a Muslim. As someone who has grown up in India, which has more than 100 million more Muslims on its subcontinent alone as compared to all the Arab countries combined, I have had several interactions with Muslims, both positive and negative. However, I now realize that those interactions were limited and that there is a lot more that I did not know about Muslims from different countries, who are scattered all around the world. I am fascinated by the fact that there are around 6 million Muslims in the United States. As Muslim immigrants comprised a steadily growing group in the United States before the attacks of September 11, it was estimated that the increasing rate of their population going to make Islam the nation’s second largest religion by the year 2010. Hence, mental health professionals in this country are paying a lot of attention to the needs of Muslim clients based on their religious doctrines. There are five basic articles or â€Å"pillars† of faith in Islam. These are â€Å"Ash’shahadatan† (testifying that there is no God save Allah and that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah), â€Å"As’salah† (a form of worship rites that involve specific movements and sayings, which need to be performed five times a day), â€Å"Az’zakah† (to pay 2.5% of the wealth annually for the benefit of the needy in Muslim community), â€Å"As’sawm† ( To abstain from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse during daytime throughout the 9th Lunar month), and â€Å"Al Hajj† (The pilgrimage to Mecca once in life for those who are physically and financially able). Research has found that Muslim societies are collectivistic (group plays a larger role in society than the individual) in terms of family life, economic situations, the truth as determined in terms of agreement with the Koran, their religious book, and religious, and aesthetic values. Moreover, according to a fundamental doctrine in the Islamic faith, Muslims believe in fate and perceive illness as a way of atoning their sins rather than a form of punishment.. I have also discovered that I had certain preconceived notions about Muslims based on my experiences as a person from India, where Muslims are minorities just as they are in the United States. However, the majority group in India, to which I used to belong to, had hostile feelings towards Muslims.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Pros and Cons of Biofuels Essays -- Energy Production, Biomass, Corn

Before talking about biofuels, you need to know the basics from where it is created from. Biofuels are produced from biomass, which is derived from living or recently living plant matter such as trees, grasses, agricultural residue, algae, and other biological material. â€Å"Biofuel is considered carbon neutral†, which absorbs roughly the same amount of carbon dioxide during growth as when it is burnt (Rutherford, 2009). Biofuels is much cleaner than petrol/diesel because of the considerable impact petrol/diesel has on the environment from the high fuel emissions. Biofuels will help decrease dependence on fossil fuels such as oil, gas, petrol, and coal. This paper will discuss the many crops that biofuels derive from, the various types of biofuels, and the advantages (Pros) and disadvantages (Cons) of biofuels. These biofuels will reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil, improve our air quality, and support rural economies. Pros and Cons of Biofuels The primary principle of how biofuels work is through the process of photosynthesis, which is how plants capture and store the sun’s energy. The energy stored in the plants is converted to many types of biofuels through a process called biocatalysis. Biofuels are developed through agricultural crops. There are two factors why agricultural crops are the main reason biofuels are developing: plants are easy to grow and are a key form of a renewable resource. There are many crops that biofuels are specifically grown and produced from. Here is a list of the top ten agricultural crops and a description of each. 10) Corn Turning sugar-rich corn into ethanol is like a brewery. They first grind the kernels and mix them with warm water. Then they add yea... engines last longer by eliminating the wear and tear (Perritano, 2011). 4) Health Benefits According to Reilly, 10,000 people die each year in the United States from pollution created by gasoline engines (Perritano, 2011). Reilly also stated that gasoline emissions release nitrogen oxide, acetaldehyde, and other pollutants in air that produce smog which causes asthma and respiratory ailments. As stated before biofuels reduces emissions and pollution. Biofuels only release the carbon dioxide which their plant source absorbs out of the atmosphere. In conclusion, biofuels are quickly becoming the future source of fuel to run vehicles and equipment. Biofuels has many disadvantages, but the advantages significantly outweigh them. Nobody has a definite answer on how to fix the growing fuel and oil crisis of today, but biofuels absolutely has promise. Pros and Cons of Biofuels Essays -- Energy Production, Biomass, Corn Before talking about biofuels, you need to know the basics from where it is created from. Biofuels are produced from biomass, which is derived from living or recently living plant matter such as trees, grasses, agricultural residue, algae, and other biological material. â€Å"Biofuel is considered carbon neutral†, which absorbs roughly the same amount of carbon dioxide during growth as when it is burnt (Rutherford, 2009). Biofuels is much cleaner than petrol/diesel because of the considerable impact petrol/diesel has on the environment from the high fuel emissions. Biofuels will help decrease dependence on fossil fuels such as oil, gas, petrol, and coal. This paper will discuss the many crops that biofuels derive from, the various types of biofuels, and the advantages (Pros) and disadvantages (Cons) of biofuels. These biofuels will reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil, improve our air quality, and support rural economies. Pros and Cons of Biofuels The primary principle of how biofuels work is through the process of photosynthesis, which is how plants capture and store the sun’s energy. The energy stored in the plants is converted to many types of biofuels through a process called biocatalysis. Biofuels are developed through agricultural crops. There are two factors why agricultural crops are the main reason biofuels are developing: plants are easy to grow and are a key form of a renewable resource. There are many crops that biofuels are specifically grown and produced from. Here is a list of the top ten agricultural crops and a description of each. 10) Corn Turning sugar-rich corn into ethanol is like a brewery. They first grind the kernels and mix them with warm water. Then they add yea... engines last longer by eliminating the wear and tear (Perritano, 2011). 4) Health Benefits According to Reilly, 10,000 people die each year in the United States from pollution created by gasoline engines (Perritano, 2011). Reilly also stated that gasoline emissions release nitrogen oxide, acetaldehyde, and other pollutants in air that produce smog which causes asthma and respiratory ailments. As stated before biofuels reduces emissions and pollution. Biofuels only release the carbon dioxide which their plant source absorbs out of the atmosphere. In conclusion, biofuels are quickly becoming the future source of fuel to run vehicles and equipment. Biofuels has many disadvantages, but the advantages significantly outweigh them. Nobody has a definite answer on how to fix the growing fuel and oil crisis of today, but biofuels absolutely has promise.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pop Culture Archetype Comparison

The archetype of the villain is seen in many Disney fairytales and are usually one of the most important characters in the films. Shan Yu from Mulan and Scar from The Lion King although are from different backgrounds and different plots both display the same characteristics and thought processes. SIMILARITY 1-The primary similarity between Shan Yu and Scar is that they both will stop at nothing in order to conquer the land and power that they think they deserve. This is seen in Mulan, where Shan-Yu feels no hesitation when it comes to taking a life. He kills without remorse, for his own amusement. This is demonstrated when he asks â€Å"How many men does it take to deliver a message? † to which one of his henchmen replies â€Å"one† as he aims his arrow at one of two Chinese spies. This is also seen in The Lion King. Scar the evil brother of Mufasa will do anything to become King of the Pride Lands, even if it means killing his brother and his nephew Simba. Although he only succeeds in murdering Mufasa, he convinces his nephew that it was his fault, leaving Simba to live with the guilt of his father’s death and tells the cub to ‘run far away, Simba, and never come back’. SIMILARITY 2-The second similarity between Shan Yu and Scar is their similar deaths, in which the hero takes part in taking down the villain. Shan Yu gets thrown off a building by Mulan and Scar is pushed off a cliff by Simba. CONCLUSION- Therefore both characters are seen as the classic archetype villain and have many similarities such as their lust for superiority and power. However, while both characters have many similarities between them they also demonstrate some differences as well. DIFFERENCE 1- A major difference between the two characters is that Shan Yu is a Mongolian leader of the huns whereas Scar is a lion from Africa. Although Scar is not a human being, the character still demonstrates the same desire to conquer the land. DIFFERENCE 2- The second difference between Shan Yu and Scar is the means in which Scar grew up, for example growing up Scar’s father spent more time and attention on his other son Mufasa. This ultimately leads to Scar hating his brother and constantly seeking revenge against him. While, for Shan Yu, growing up because of his cultural and political background he has always hated the Chinese and wanted to take them down. However, the two characters both attempt to conquer and take down their opposing forces whether it is their family or political enemies. Relevance- The significance of the archetype of the villain in both films is that they essentially help the main character, the hero to complete a quest or journey of finding who they really are. In Mulan, if it were not because of Shan Yu and the threat of the war, then she would have never had to change her lifestyle or leave her family behind. This would not have made her the person she became towards the end of the film. The same goes for Simba, if it were not for Scar telling him his father had died and there was nothing left for him there, furthermore he was able to see how others lived and decide that he wanted to rule. Conclusion- In conclusion, while both characters are archetypes of the classic villain. They both demonstrate the same ideals and desires to be achieve total control and superiority over the people around them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

International Business Concepts

International Business Concepts 1st Concept: Sovereign Wealth Funds Sovereign Wealth Funds are investment funds controlled by governments holding great amount of stakes in foreign businesses aiming to gain profits and stimulate Its national economy. Charles Orate, reporting for Washington Times, expresses our urgency as a nation to create an American Sovereign Wealth Fund. If our government soon capitalizes $1 currently have a head start with their Swift. But that Is merely leverage. The leading reason as to why we absolutely need a SF Is to recover from our national debt.Ever nice the survival of the 1945 World War, our debt Is no longer $345 billion. Instead, It has heightened to a depressing amount of $17 plus trillion. The ratios of our total debt to private sector incomes are distant values, causing a substantial deficit. The debt we have accumulated to this day is almost unfathomable. But if there is a will, there is a way out. If America were willing to have a politically inde pendent Sovereign Wealth Fund, it would act as an economic stimulus. Our financial dilemma would be revived soon enough.But the SF must be dealt with phenomenal management in order to gain substantial returns. Also, to evade interrupting America's market prices, it would be wise to only invest internationally. Once America's SF is established, the capital investment of $1 trillion will achieve immense profits, in turn accumulating wealth to subside our national debt. Therefore, relieving our country from financial stress, rejuvenating America's credit rating, and rehabilitating our economy. An American Sovereign Wealth Fund will create a brighter and prosperous future. 2nd Concept: North American Free Trade Agreement (NONFAT)North American Free Trade Agreement created a free-trade area among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The three countries agreed to expand the flow of goods, services, and investments. Their objectives were to eliminate all tariff on imports, eliminate or r educe imitation trade barriers, promote conditions of equal competition, provide protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, establish regional trade cooperation, and improve employment In North America. Forbes, a leading source for business news and financial Information, comments on the aged North American Free Trade Agreement.Although It has been successful during It's previous decades, the agreement seems to be on â€Å"life support. † The NONFAT Is past Its 20th anniversary and yet there has been a lack of modern revisions. During February this year, President Barack Obama met with Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, and Mexican President, Unripe Penn Unite. They attempted to revivalist the NONFAT and strengthen their regional cooperation. But they were distracted by other international crises. In consequence, North America Is loosing business to China due to unaligned rules and unrecognized policies between the

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Cristmas Carrol Essay

After visiting the Cornish tin mines in 1842 Charles Dickens wrote ‘A Christmas Carol’ during the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution made a big change in people’s life because this was the introduction into machines in the workplace. In the Victorian times there were lots of poor and rich people, but the rich didn’t talk to the poor and saw them as worthless slaves and did not talk to them. ‘A Christmas Carol was aimed to teach the rich in 1842 a lesson ‘people are more important than money. ‘ Dickens knew what it was like to be poor as he lived in poverty as a child. In ‘A Christmas Carol’ the main character is Ebenezer scrooge, he is the meanest, most self-centred man in London, dickens describes his personality â€Å"The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, made his eyes red, his thin lips blue† this gives the impression that scrooge has no warmth and will always be lonely. The key words that show this are â€Å"The cold within him. † This makes the reader feel scrooge is old, frozen and has no love at all. Dickens wanted scrooge to represent the worst of the rich in 1842, he wanted to change there ways. Scrooges looks reflect his personality, scrooge is unfriendly to everyone even his family and employees like his book-keeper Bob Cratchit. The way scrooge lives also reflects his personality Dickens shows this by using personification â€Å"They were a gloomy suite of rooms, in a lowering pile of building up a yard, where it had so little business to be, that one could scarcely help fancying it must have run there when it was a young house, playing at hide-and-seek with other houses, and forgotten the way out again. † This reflects the opposite of scrooge’s childhood and is stuck just like scrooge. The key words that show this are ‘forgotten the way out again’ this makes the reader feel that scrooge is lost and so is the house. The people in dickens time were very religious, they believed in heaven and hell, angles and ghosts. This would have shocked them. The ghost of scrooges old work partner Jacob Marly visits scrooge to warn him that he with have three spirits visit him. Scrooge is visited by the three ghosts of Christmas. The ghost of Christmas past, present and yet to come. The ghost of Christmas past visits scrooge first and shows him shadows of his childhood. Scrooge loves money more than people, he lost his girlfriend because of this â€Å"He carried his own low temperature always about with him; he iced his office in the dog days† this shows that scrooge wants to be isolated. The keywords that show this are â€Å"He carried his own low temperature always about with him† this makes the reader feel sorry for scrooge but also that he pushed her away and now he regrets it. Dickens wanted the reader to learn about childhood in the Victorian times and how the rich always seamed to look down on them.

Multiple Relationships

Multiple relationships, being in not just one relationship but more. Why is it so connected to ethics? For the reason that generally, when we hear it the first time, we most likely to think of infidelity, a betrayal to a partner. And infidelity is related to ethics, opposition that is. Â  How could we possibly overcome this? We must first recognize what ethics is, and then figure out why people engage in multiple relationships. According to the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics of Santa Clara University, ethics is two things. First, ethics refers to well based standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of one's ethical standards. These ethical standards pertain to sensible duty to avoid doing criminal acts, to initiate virtues and issues on rights which are sustained by reliable and justifiable grounds. Ethics could also mean that we should stay to live up to what society had strongly built. This means to say that ethics cannot be lock up to religion, for religion could only relate to religious people and anything concerning with religion. Same thing with law which often included these ethical standards that most general public follow yet it can be disagreed to but with punishments to be face. There are reasons why people engage in multiple relationships: they are unsatisfied with their partner, can it by intimacy, passion, commitment; they can no longer get hold of long-distance relationship; they saw somebody better or basically they just fell out of love, and that they cannot afford not to have a companion, that is, they don’t want to be alone. Multiple relationships deviate to ethics when it supposedly mess up one’s own objectivity, competence, or effectiveness in performing his or her functions in society, or if not risks exploitation or harm the person with whom he or she has relationship with. But no matter how ethics intervenes to this issue, we cannot get away with the fact that influence of media which involves liberal behavior leads to having rational minds and non-judgmental attitude in understanding multiple relationships. We became so open with such possibilities that these things happen without preferences. There are really people who cannot settle with just one relationship, unsatisfied with what they have, and leads to finding and having somebody else to be with. Bibliography Multiple Relationships and APA's New Ethics Code: Values and Applications By Dr. Stephen Behnke, APA Ethics Director Print version: page 66 : Standard 3.05 Multiple Relationships What is Ethics? Developed by Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, Thomas Shanks, S.J., and Michael J. Meyer., Surveyed by Sociologist Raymond Baumhart

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pop Culture Essay

Movie Genres There are many movie genres out today than there were before in earlier years. Movie genres are basically different types of movies, such as: horror, suspense, mystery, drama ,romance, etc. Today it seems that most peoples favorite movie genre is horrow or action. Action movies have a lot of different stuff in them that is pleasing to the eye. Action movies are typically loud and have a lot of fighting, racing, and adventurous things in the film. Horror movies on the other hand have a lot of scary things in the movies. Their big thing is that the more blood they have the better it is to the audience watching. Even though horror and action may be the top picks of the rest of the country, I have my own genre of movies that I particularly like the best. My favorite genre of movies is romance. In a romance based movie, it is filled with love and a lot of laughter throughout the whole movie. While most romance movies start off bad and end up with a happy ending, some start out good and end good as well. Most romance movies today start out being bad and then it ends up in the happy ending that you suspect from the title of the movie. Romance movies go through every movie genre there is. There is suspense and sometimes a little horror as well. Sometimes, and most of the time, they contain a lot of drama. The best romance movies are the ones full of drama that is fun to watch. Every woman around the world enjoys a good romance movie. Many women around the world love romance movies, including myself. Simply because they meet the cravings that every woman has sometime throughout their lives. Each and every romance movie touches a woman in some way or another. Every girl dreams of having that guy from a love story. They want them to be loving and caring and when we watch these movies we imagine ourselves being the girl in the movie. Some movies, even make a girl feel better after a breakup. However, some of the real love stories can make it worse than ever before. Also, romance movies will make you cry if it is one of those that are filled with sad moments throughout the whole movie. As a girl, sometimes we feel the need to cry, whether it is stress or PMS. The romance movies are a good way to bring out the inner emotions and in the end, make you feel a whole lot better. Drama is another movie genre that gets included into romance movies. Drama can be funny and it can also bring out deeper thoughts and emotions. Everyone and especially women, have a fair share of their love for drama. Women like to gossip and chick flick, love stories are filled with it. Gossiping is a way to let things out and to give out information that can be bad or good. It just depends on who is saying it or what is said. The good thing is, the drama in the romance stories are usually not true. Even though we all get a good laugh at the stupid ones in the movie. In conclusion, romance genre movies are a favorite. They can make you happy or sad or bring out different emotions. Romance movies are twisted with drama along with romance to bring out laughter or anger in the audience. Everyone will have their own personal reaction to every single romance movie that comes out. Therefore, in my opinion, romance genre movies are the best because they contain many qualities that other genres do. Meaning that they satisfy almost every â€Å"craving† that a person has for a good movie.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Corporate Fraud in Richards Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Corporate Fraud in Richards Letter - Essay Example The seriousness of Richard’s action against Richard, as the global head of sales, in the Computer Associates Corporation, he was involved in various acts, which affected his responsibilities in the company. One of his actions was the facilitation of an extension of the fiscal quarter (Soltes 4). This was indeed serious since it affected the reporting of the other fiscal quarters. The effectiveness of the information reported by extension of a fiscal quarter would be affected. Richard was also accused of allowing his subordinates to obtain contracts after the end of a fiscal quarter (Soltes 4). This is serious because it will influence the accuracy of the financial reports used by the stakeholders. The accuracy of financial information for the organization is remarkably essential for both the management and other stakeholders involved such as the investors. Inaccurate financial information may affect the expectations of the prospecting investors and shareholders of the organiza tion. It is better for an organization to give accurate financial information rather than falsehood representation. Information represented falsely can lead to extortion of investors emanating from misleading financial information. ... Although the actions of Richard emanated from the company’s culture of maintaining its performance, the actions of Richard did not follow ethical standards. When proper accounting approaches according to GAAP are used, accurate and efficient financial information is obtained. The chief reason for carrying out investigations on Computer Associates Company was because SEC doubted the accounting reporting of the company. When GAAP approaches are not used in a company’s financial reporting, it is most likely that the company’s financial reporting would have problems. For instance, one of the GAAP approaches is the matching principle, where revenues are recognized in the period of their earning or in the period when expenses that match the revenues are paid. In Computer Associates Company, there was a problem regarding the recognition of revenues. It was noted that; some of the contracts were signed after the last day of a fiscal quarter. This had an impact on the rec ognition of revenues since revenues obtained from the contracts signed after the end of a trading quarter, could either be related to the first quarter or the following fiscal quarter. Falling of stocks by 42% and fall in expected financial results in the first quarter of 2001 made SEC notice that some accounting procedures of the company were not proper (Soltes 3). If the company achieved the same accounting results through GAAP, it would have implied that there could be other contributing factors other than the use of wrong accounting principles. For instance, there could be a misappropriation of funds, which could also be investigated by the relevant authorities.  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Genre 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genre 8 - Essay Example Second, little known facts. This are meant to spike readers mind and create interest into certain subject. Third, unusual viewpoints. Little known facts these reach out and grab the readers mind. Example can be use of common and un- noticed things in the world to try to create curiosity among the readers. Fourth, fascinating comparison. This creates instant and powerful images communicating clearly to the same degree as simile and metaphor. Since informational books are informative and aimed to be educative, use of comparisons help to clarify the issues to the reader and build from known to unknown. Fifth, first person account. This make it to be real such that when the writer ,writes about an experience he has gone through; as he develops the story both the writer and the reader seem to discover together but not a recount of the information. This carries the reader into first person account role i.e. he assumes the role of main character. Lastly is accuracy. Informational books shou ld be factual and dependable as they introduce the reader to the world or present something about it. Teachers should avoid anthropomorphism and hyperbole. Informational picture books –present accurate and appealing content aimed at awakening the reader’s interest. It serves the same purpose as informational chapter books though they are more heavily illustrated. They present an idea in sufficient depth to pique curiosity as it increases understanding. Concept books- are simplified picture books that present basic knowledge about one topic in a way both understandable and interesting to a small child beginning to learn the world. Its normally the first informational book the child is introduced to as he develops the skills to learn. Often invites the reader to engage into certain activity to reinforce a topic which being taught. Having access to books that are preferred can affect a child’s interest in books and in reading this affective response is

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A summary of Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A summary of - Essay Example Pattakos affirms that despite a vast connection to a large group of friends, the modern socializing platforms are not of certified quality as those in the ancient days described by Aristotle. In his case, Pattakos, an author of the bestselling book internationally Prisoners of Our Thoughts, explains the relevance of every individual having a Facebook account. Pattakos provides detailed evidence while declaring his well-understood thesis in the second paragraph. In his thesis, Pattakos ascertains that electronic media currently replace the enjoyment of the real human contact and interaction. The electric stimuli that are a typical form of shallow friendship as narrow social connections are in contrast to the type of true friendship described by Aristotle (Pattakos 1). Aristotle placed more value on real friendship as an important determinant of a meaningful life. Modern association is largely losing its ascribed meaning as everything becomes digitalized. People including prominent leaders in the world fail to appreciate the role of friendship in shaping their social ties. The author explains the view of Zuckerberg a famous computer expert and Eduardo Saverin, a core founder of Facebook, who disputes the idea of a single soul dwelling in their two bodies. Pattakos seeks to establish the implication of technology such as Twitter on real friendship in modern life and its role in promoting meaningful existence addressed by Aristotle. As a result, the search for knowledge is the primary intrinsic motivation of man. Studies reveal that technological advancement contributes to losing of friends reducing the number of trusted acquaintances that individuals could turn and share vital information. Pattakos utilizes a mixed strategy of questions to make the reader relate to his argument and try to answer the rhetoric questions directly. Use of questionnaires is a crucial strategy for drawing meaningful information that any author is interested in

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Understanding the Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Understanding the Concepts - Essay Example These include the profit ratios like the Gross Profit & Net Profit Margins, Earnings per share, and Return on Assets, the liquidity ratio like the Current Ratio, and Quick Ratio, the activity ratios like the Average Collection Period, and the Inventory Turnover Ratio, and leverage ratios like the Debt Ratio, and Equity Ratio (Vickers, 2005, p.117). However, in larger corporations, besides the above mentioned ratios, certain other ratios like Accounts Receivable Turnover, Fixed Asset Turnover, Total Asset Turnover, Price-to-earnings Ratio, and Price-to-book value, to name among others (Lee, Lee & Lee, 2009, p.33). These ratios provide with further detailed analysis of a company which a small business might not require unless it is grown big. The above study has reflected on the fact that financial ratios are highly significant for every organization. However, depending on the size of the organization, the need for the different financial ratios to be determined might

Monday, September 9, 2019

Finance and Growth Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Finance and Growth Strategies - Essay Example In fact, more mature companies tend to have better payout ratio, with regular increases in the rates. The firm's dividend policy is generally affected by a number of factors like; 1. Future Expansion Plans and Capital Requirements: If the company has expansion plans, diversification plans etc. then it will prefer to have a large reserve of its resources and funds readily available for the new venture. The requirement could be in the form of capital for setting up a new production facility or liquid funds to launch a marketing blitz for a new range of products or tapping a new market. 2. Competitive Environment: Today we are living in an era of globalization and liberalization. This has led to intense competition in many sectors and industries. This is particularly the case for companies in consumer goods and retail industry. Beckett-Camarata et al. (1998) present a conceptual overview of relationship management in a rapidly changing global environment: "In a global economy, all system members are interdependent and are customers. Companies are restructuring (i.e. downsizing) to fund only those core competencies that are key to their profitability and long-term survival. Managing relationships with their customers - especially with employees, channel partners, and strategic alliance partners - is critical to the firm's long-term success" (p71) Therefore companies try to reach all stakeholders in equal measure. For the customers it tries to rationalize the prices in order to attract them towards the product while it is equally crucial that the company tries to keep all its stakeholders in good humor, by paying out good returns on their respective holdings. 3. The overall business scene in the sector/s: Dividend payout decisions are also influenced by the number of companies and the kind of requirements that the business sector has. For example the diamond exploring companies in some of the South African countries do not generally find intense competition and the sector itself is a specialized one, with labor intensive inputs in the industry. In such a scenario, the company will have a committed number of investors and financers who understand the sector well and realize its potential benefits and drawbacks. On the other hand, a telecom services company will have intense competition not only from with the regional telecom companies but from other companies as well. Therefore, in such a scenario the company will be hard pressed for remaining in good books of the investors, coming from a wider spectrum of society. 4. Profit earned during the financial year: Dividend is certainly dependent upon the revenues and profits earned during the year. If the company can keep apart a sufficient amount, in addition to reserves and other liabilities, then the investors can expect better payouts. 5. Political scenario prevailing in the country/ region: The dividend policy is indeed impacted to a great extent by the political environment prevailing in the country or the region. If the political class is supportive of firms' business activities and the firm can chart out a future course of action, the firm can be quite liberal in its payout policy as well. But,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING - Essay Example This paper explores classroom and family environment and the influence both play in child development. Child Development and Learning 3 Dr. Maurice Elias begins his book, The Educator’s Guide to Emotional Intelligence, by summarizing what parents and community leaders have as goals of what they want children to know and be able to do when they leave school. He states, â€Å"This defines what we want our schools to teach.† (Elias, 2006). He offers the following list of what we want young people to be able to do when they leave school. ... that since â€Å"inner nature is good or neutral, rather than bad, it is best to bring it out and to encourage it rather than suppress it.† He continues, â€Å"If this essential core of the person is denied or suppressed, he gets sick, sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes immediately and sometimes later. All three of the psychologists cited in this paper predict a very negative consequence if a child does not mature Child Development and Learning 4 in the correct chronological sequence. There is consensus among these three psychologists that if a person does not have his needs met (Elias, 2006), if his essential core is denied or repressed (Maslow, 1968), if all of the aspects of what is the education of the whole child aren’t learned, if all eight of the stages aren’t successfully completed correctly and in the proper order, the person can expect to readdress what was missed as problems in the future (Erickson, 1980). There are long lists of skills and capabili ties which educators and psychologists agree children should develop. Here are three skills or personal capabilities that contribute to positive development in a wide range of life’s social roles and responsibilities: Creativity: thinking of, sharing and playing with new or unusual ideas Positive Self Image: valuing oneself and one's achievements Problem Solving: working towards a solution by analyzing a problem and forming strategies Two qualities of a family environment that contribute to development of the skills mentioned above may include the following possibilities. A family can make it a practice to introduce new opportunities of play, study or work and in that way address all three developmental issues. By carefully selecting the opportunity for creativity in thinking you will be teaching the person

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Political and economic concerns in global expansion of the firm Essay

Political and economic concerns in global expansion of the firm - Essay Example For example, these domestic forces are extremely powerful in advance / developed nations unlike in developing nations where enterprises are blatantly involved in employing child labor, use of unethical practices and irresponsible production methods to maximize their wealth and rate of return. The first major factor that have to be taken into account by strategic planners and top executives of a business entity when going global is accurate analysis of international business environment. Indeed, economic recession and turmoil followed by credit crunch also hampers growth and expansion of host nation’s economy. For instance, the host nation is also dependent on other developing and advance world economies for foreign trade; however, lower aggregate consumption and output reduces trade and commerce activities in such nations that later adversely impacts chosen host country’s markets. In simple words, the recession results in unemployment, poverty and low purchasing power that aggravates business scenario in chosen markets. (Daft, 2009) The second major factor is exchange rate fluctuations of host nation’s currency. Indeed, the frequent undervaluation or overvaluation of currency due to lack of appropriate foreign reserves from foreign trade may lead to exchange losses at the time of conversion. For example, if currency of Japan is undervalued against home country’s (USA) currency at the time of investment ($1 = 90 Yen), it is beneficial for a foreign nation to invest in an economy because more monetary units are received from exchange. Nevertheless, after the formation of business subsidiary if currency undervalues further ($1 = 95 Yen), it would lead to exchange losses when subsidiary firm will opt to transfer profits back to USA. In contrast, if Japanese Yen appreciates and become stronger ($1 = 80 Yen) then US firm will be advantaged

Friday, September 6, 2019

Shakespeare Coursework Essay Example for Free

Shakespeare Coursework Essay Task: Give an account of the methods, which Shakespeare uses to reveal Richards character to us and to shape our attitudes towards him. You should also refer to Shakespeares manipulation of history and the way in which he sets out to present Richard III in a particular way. Richard the third was king during the 15th century and happened to be one of the best kings England had, and did, as kings go, a good job of running the country. Shakespeare however makes him out to be an evil manipulative person who does anything and everything to gain power. Also Shakespeare meddles about with time and the order in which things really happen, with the basic concept of making Richard seem even more scheming and seductive. Why should such a brilliant playwright want to lie about a good and decent king such as Richard the third? As soon as you start this play, Shakespeare is already hammering the image of Richard as a disgusting and rotten toad who is so evil and horrible that such quotations as used as a description for him. That dogs bark at me as I halt by them Another thing that happens is that Shakespeare, instead of setting the scene and keeping it calm in the first act, already is getting the plot introduced and thickened. Within the first 10 pages of the Oxford edition it already has Richard killing someone by methods, which involve others doing the dirty work for his own benefit. Simple plain Clarence, I do love thee so That I will shortly send your soul to heaven. This is Shakespeare telling you that Richard is a character which has no conscience, as he can say this one line so happily and knowing that by saying it Clarence is as well as dead. This is a good example of Shakespeare using irony in its full potential in this play. In the second scene of Act 1 Richard is seducing Lady Anne even though he has just recently killed her husband and does so with the corpse next to them. This is again Shakespeare making Richard seem heartless and a man who bears no conscience. Your bedchamber In this quotation Richard is saying where hed like to stay and this is a clear line, which is telling the reader he is trying to get Lady Anne to marry him. With this quotation and scene of the seducing of Lady Anne, Shakespeare is revealing another part of Richardss character. He is showing us that this foul toad Richard can be charming and quite a ladies man when he wants to be. By doing this however he also implies that the character of Richard will be a very manipulative one, as he turns emotions and styles of behavior on and off as it is needed, it is not very often that he is sincere about the way he feels. When Shakespeare wrote this play he made some peculiar changes to its chronological order, he moved things forward and backwards through time to suit his play. I suppose in this way Shakespeare has something in common with Richard, they both are very fond of using manipulation to makes things go their way. The method, which Shakespeare uses, is called the manipulation of history and the reason he does so is to make the image of Richard in the audiences head seem even worse and more evil still. What actually happened was that Richard married Lady Anne 6 years after her husbands death. However, in Shakespeares version of events is that the coffin is still present and fresh when Richard seduces and goes on to marry in way under 6 years. You see that Shakespeare hasnt even finished the first act yet but still there is an awful lot to take in, in terms of plot, and you can see the basic structure Richard is cunningly using to get into power. We know that Richard does become king and does get killed at the end, but that isnt what makes this play what it is, it is the way the character of Richard is gradually revealed to us in different forms, whether it be a murderer, a joker, a charmer or his majesty himself. As Richard moves on he discovers (to his pleasure) that the king is very ill and will undoubtedly die soon from natural causes. You see that Richard isnt at all bothered by the fact that a man is going to die, but is more bothered about how to become king after he is gone. Act 3 scene 1 is an important scene in this play when looking at Richardss character and shapes another side of Richard into your mind. This time it is the joker that he is playing. All the while though, when Richard puts on these fake moods and behaviors he always has on thing on his mind, and that is self-gain. Shakespeare seems to make him out as a greedy character as we see later on when he is finally crowned. In this scene he talks with the young princes and is where he is joking with them. He has been made Lord protector of them and is a good example of irony as he is the one responsible for their death.